NextGen SBO Summit Sessions

Registration is Open!


Coming into the school business profession and even five years in, there is a lot to learn. Often you don’t even know what you don’t know. NextGen is a place to fill in those knowledge gaps and get
a grasp on key concepts every SBO should know.

This year, sessions have been added that go beyond the basics as you approach the next level of your career. Get excited for another year in the district as you step up your investment strategies, take on important but infrequent topics or dig deeper into special education funding and reporting.

7:30am - 3:00pm​
Registration Desk Open

7:30am - 8:00am
Registration & Refreshments

8:00am - 8:30am


8:30am - 9:30am - Breakout Sessions

The Basics of Borrowing
Cash Management PDC
Ever wondered why school districts can’t just get a bank loan? Come and learn how and what you can borrow for, as well as some complexities such as why you can't refinance bonds like your mortgage, how tax caps apply to bonds and best practices for issuing bonds. Learn how to use the tools of borrowing legally and effectively to help manage district finances and capital funding needs.
To preview the presentation, click here.
s: Anne Noble, Managing Director, Stifel, Nicolaus & Company; Anjali Vij, Partner, Chapman and Cutler LLP

Everything you Need to Know About Bidding
Illinois ASBO Professional Development
The public bidding process can be confusing and filled with risks and problems. Get practical advice about bidding, from the basics to the more complex.
To preview the presentation, click here.
Speaker: Ken Florey, Partner, Robbins, Schwartz, Nicholas, Lifton & Taylor, Ltd., Ron Johnson
, Dir./Support Services, Indian Prairie SD 204

Important but Infrequent Topics
Illinois ASBO Professional Development
Beyond the standard annual tasks in the business office, there are many less frequent but just as vital responsibilities school business leaders must navigate. Join a panel of experienced SBOs to discuss your approach to topics such as capital improvement, bidding food service, intergovernmental agreements, life-health safety and others.
Cathy Johnson, Assoc. Supt./Finance & Operations, Twp. High Sch. Dist. 214; Eric Miller, Asst. Supt./Business Services, CSBO Glenview CCSD 34; Luann Kolstad, Chief School Business Official, Park Ridge Niles CCSD 64; Jay Kahn, Dir./Finance & Operations, CSBO Lake Bluff SD 65


9:40am - 10:40am - BREAKOUT SESSIONS

Revenues & Expenditures for the Novice - Part I
Principles of School Finance
Learn the ropes of local, state and federal revenues including an in-depth review of the property tax cycle and the levy, as well as review the basics of school expenditures, budgeting and annual reporting in this two-part session.
To preview the presentation, click here.
Speakers: Anthony Cozzi, Director of Finance & Facilities, River Forest SD 90; 
Dan Stanley, Asst. Supt./Business, Lincolnshire Prairieview SD 103

Top Ten Things You Don't Know
Leadership Development PDC
Entering your first year in the business office? Still adjusting to your new responsibilities? Learn from others who were recently in your shoes as you address the top ten things you don't know that you need to know when taking your first business manager position.
To preview the presentation, click here.
Speakers: Anthony Arbogast, Dir./Business Services; Roselle SD 12; Jordi Camps, Executive Dir./Business Services, East Maine SD 63; Jake Emerson, Business Manager, Manteno CUSD 5

Details of a Construction Budget
Planning & Construction PDC
Take a deep dive with a panel of experienced professionals into the full workings of a construction budget — including how to set up a full budget to cover all potential costs and what to present to your board of education.
To preview the presentation, click here.
Speakers: Terry Fielden, Dir./K-12 Education, International Contractors, Inc.; Stephen Johns, Business Manager, Millburn SD 24; Tim McGrath, Design Principal & Planner, Wold Architects & Engineers

10:50am - 11:50am - BREAKOUT SESSIONS

A Day in the Life of a CSBO
Illinois ASBO Professional Development
What is a typical day in the business really like? Truth be told, while there are some common things that might happen, there are always things that happen that are not at all typical. We'll learn and laugh together while discussing what to watch for, how to prioritize and manage time and how to deal with unusual situations based on real life role-play scenarios.
Speaker: Dave Bein, SFO, Asst. Supt./Business, CSBO Downers Grove SD 58


Revenues & Expenditures for the Novice - Part II
Principles of School Finance PDC
Learn the ropes of local, state and federal revenues including an in-depth review of the property tax cycle and the levy, as well as review the basics of school expenditures, budgeting and annual reporting in this two-part session.
To preview the presentation, click here.
Speakers: Anthony Cozzi, Director of Finance & Facilities, River Forest SD 90; 
Dan StanleyAsst. Supt./Business, Lincolnshire Prairieview SD 103

Radical Candor
Illinois ASBO Professional Development
It’s your job, you are the boss and no one is listening, responding, or doing anything that remotely resembles what you asked for.  Top down authority does not work, soft skills are in, and you want to pull your hair out.  How can Radical Candor help you develop your team and get results?  How can shifting from a people talent management mind set to a growth management mind set help your team get results?  If you are ready to challenge your leadership mindset, spend an hour diving into Radical Candor: Be a Kick Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity, by Kim Scott.  Prepare for the future of leadership.
Speakers: Sue Bertrand, MBA/CAE, Deputy ED/COO, Illinois ASBO; Craig Collins, PD Coordinator, Illinois ASBO

11:50pm - 1:05pm​
Lunch And Exhibits

Enjoy lunch and networking with fellow business officials. This is also your time to connect with the exhibiting companies who have helped make NextGen possible. Take advantage of the valuable experience these experts have to share from their work with school districts!

Investments 101
Cash Management PDC
Learn the basics of investing for schools, including what is allowable, how to determine your investment horizon and best practices as you invest wisely.
To preview the presentation, click here.
Speakers: Audra Braski, Vice President, PMA Financial Network, Inc.; Dan Oberg, Dir./Business Services, Wheeling CCSD 21

A Crash Course in School Facilities
Maintenance & Operations PDC
As a new business official, there is a lot that you need to learn. Get an overview of facilities and what you need to know from business official perspective. Leave prepared to hit the ground running this year!
To preview the presentation, click here.
Speakers: Anthony Arbogast, Dir./Business Services; Roselle SD 12; Sean Gordon, Dir./Buildings & Grounds Comm. Cons. Sch. Dist. 93; VP Trinh, Associate Principal ARCON Associates, Inc.

Special Education Funding & Reporting
Special Education PDC
Get a solid grip on special education funding and reporting as you understand the sources of special education funding along with timelines and the process for reimbursement.
Speakers: Sarah Lager, Assistant Business Manager Coop. Assoc. for Special Education; Reiley Bechtold-Straub, Dir./Business & Operations, North DuPage Special Ed. Co-Op (NDSEC)

2:15pm - 3:15pm - BREAKOUT SESSIONS

Missed that Legal Filing Deadline? You're Fired!
Legal Issues PDC
There are a few legal tasks and deadlines that, if missed, could put a new SBOs job in jeopardy. Come learn what those "can't miss" deadlines are and get some tools for managing them.
To preview the presentation, click here.
Speakers: Stefanie Croix, Dir./Business Services, Lockport Twp. HSD 205; John Izzo, Member Manager Hauser Izzo, LLC

Food Service Checks & Balances
Food Service PDC
Gain an understanding of professional standards alignment, learn how to develop food service standard operating procedures, gain an awareness of food service department requirements/initiatives and acquire tools for a successful administrative review.
Speaker: Carol Warren, Dir./Food Service Operations, DeKalb CUSD 428


Leaves of Absence & Coordination of Benefits
Illinois ASBO Professional Development
Explore the various types of leaves that are available to the public school district employee and how they coordinate with each other. Understand how to coordinate other types of employee benefits with the various types of leaves.
To preview the presentation, click here.
Speaker: Barb Erickson, Partner Hodges, Loizzi, Eisenhammer, Rodick & Kohn LLP

3:15pm - 4:15pm​
Cocktails and Networking

Conclude your day with an opportunity to build up your network within Illinois ASBO! Enjoy a hospitality with fellow attendees and Service Associate partners. As you approach your new year – these relationships could prove key to your survival.