2017 Regional Conference Sessions

Superintendents, business managers and office support staff can learn about a variety of school business topics such as human resources, internal controls and community relationships.

Decatur - October 25, 2017   Mt. Vernon - October 26, 2017

8:45am - 9:45am

Financial Leadership in Your School District and Community 
In the current economic and political climate, effective financial leaders are essential for a school district to be successful. This session will provide you with resources to increase your effectiveness as the financial leader in your school district as well as your community.

Implementing Breakfast Programs That Work
New Legislation requires many Illinois school districts to create breakfast programs that serve students breakfast “after the bell.”  The presenter will share information describing programs that have been highly effective in not only meeting the requirements of the legislation but also garnering substantial increases in student participation.

Workers' Compensation: How the Illinois System Does and Doesn't Work
Workers' compensation is on the Governor's agenda for reform. This session will discuss how the system works and what about it the Governor wants to change.

9:50am - 10:50am

Transportation: Avoiding Common Claim  Reporting Errors 
This workshop focuses on the State of Illinois Transportation Claim with an emphasis on common errors, field trip analysis, Line 15 expenditures related to AFR and the Fall Housing Report related to the number of eligible enrolled riders. 

Borrowing Money: What You Need to Know 
You can’t just get a loan from a bank when you need to borrow money. So what can school districts do to borrow money legally and properly?  We will cover the basics of borrowing and bonds for both long-term and short-term funding needs

Navigating the FLSA: Compliance and Avoiding Common Pitfalls
This session will provide a general overview of the Fair Labor Standards Act, including a discussion of recent developments in the law. It will focus on common errors made by employers and implementing best practices, with a goal of avoiding complaints, litigation and the Department of Labor knocking on your door.

10:55am - 11:55am

FOIA and Personnel Records
This session will explore confidentiality requirements that apply to records concerning personnel discipline, misconduct, medical issues and performance evaluations. Particpants will learn how these confidentiality requirements may apply in response to FOIA requests.

Assessment Squeeze: Property Tax Objections, Appeals and Refunds
Each year, property tax assessment appeals wipe away billions of dollars in proposed assessed value for taxing districts. This session will cover the basics of the property tax assessment and appeals process and the impact of property tax objections, assessment appeals and refunds on school district finances.

Payroll Best Practices
This session will take a deep dive into the payroll process cycle. We will review a "Top Ten List" of best payroll practices and follow up with an interactive discussion with our panel on various topics such as common errors, reconciliations, 403(b) audits, stipends and more.

12:45pm - 1:45pm

403(b) and Other Benefits: A Compliance Primer 
This session will explore the requirements for 403(B) plans in public school districts and potential pitfalls in light of the announced remedial amendment period by the IRS. The session will also highlight the requirements of other common employee benefits provided by public school districts.

Interfund Transfers 
Learn the rules about what you can transfer as well as where, and how it's done.

Budgeting and Finance: Whose Job Is It?Is your board in the weeds? Do you need them to elevate their focus? Learn techniques and strategies to redirect your board and inform governance level decisions.

1:50pm - 2:50pm

HR 101
Are you responsible for the human resources function in your district? Have you always wondered what your HR person is doing? Join us to learn about HR basics, hear tips and tricks of the trade and understand what’s really important in HR work. Please bring all of your HR questions!

Maximizing Your Medicaid Revenue
Attendees will learn how to maximize their district's Medicaid revenue, educate staff in best practices to stay compliant and prepare for an audit.

Panel Discussion: Experience Matters
Interact with a panel of veteran business officials who will discuss pertinent school business topics. You will have the unique opportunity to ask questions and direct the course of this session.

2:50pm - 3:50pm

Public Bidding from the Basics to the Advanced
Purchasing and public bidding for construction or other school district purchasing projects can be a legal and operational mine field. Get practical advice and guidance from a panel of school attorneys and a school board member/construction manager about how to avoid problems and to effectively deal with problems that are unavoidable.

Special Education Funding and Reporting
Participants will gain an understanding of the sources of special education funding along with timelines and the processes for reimbursement.

Lead in Water: Where the Rubber Hits the Road
Decatur aggressively proceeded with certifying all school sites in compliance with new Illinois laws only to find unanticipated results. Decatur will share its mitigation process.


8:45am - 9:45am

Financial Leadership in Your School District and Community 
In the current economic and political climate, effective financial leaders are essential for a school district to be successful. This session will provide you with resources to increase your effectiveness as the financial leader in your school district as well as your community. 

Maximizing Your Medicaid Revenue 
Participants will learn how to maximize their district's Medicaid revenue, educate staff in best practices to stay compliant and prepare for an audit.

Public Bidding from the Basics to the Advanced
​Purchasing and public bidding for construction or other school district purchasing projects can be a legal and operational mine field. Get practical advice and guidance from a panel of school attorneys and a school board member/construction manager about how to avoid problems and to effectively deal with problems that are unavoidable.

9:50am - 10:50am

Budgeting and Finance: Whose Job Is It? 
Is your board in the weeds? Do you need them to elevate their focus? Learn techniques and strategies to redirect your board and inform governance level decisions. 

Special Education Funding and Reporting
Attendees will gain an understanding of the sources of special education funding along with timelines and the processes for reimbursement.

HR 101 
Are you responsible for the human resources function in your district? Have you always wondered what your HR person is doing? Join us to learn about HR basics, hear tips and tricks of the trade and understand what’s really important in HR work. Please bring all of your HR questions!

10:55am - 11:55am

Interfund Transfers 
Learn the rules about what you can transfer as well as where, and how it's done.

Payroll Best Practices
This session will take a deep dive into the payroll process cycle. We will review a "Top Ten List" of best payroll practices and follow up with an interactive discussion with our panel on various topics such as common errors, reconciliations, 403(b) audits, stipends and more.

Panel Discussion: Experience Matters 
Interact with a panel of veteran business officials who will discuss pertinent school business topics. You will have the unique opportunity to ask questions and direct the course of this session.

12:45pm - 1:45pm

Assessment Squeeze: Property Tax Objections, Appeals and Refunds 
Each year, property tax assessment appeals wipe away billions of dollars in proposed assessed value for taxing districts. This session will cover the basics of the property tax assessment and appeals process and the impact of property tax objections, assessment appeals and refunds on school district finances.

403(b) and Other Benefits: A Compliance Primer 
This session will explore the requirements for 403(B) plans in public school districts and potential pitfalls in light of the announced remedial amendment period by the IRS. The session will also highlight the requirements of other common employee benefits provided by public school districts.

Borrowing Money: What You Need to Know 
You can’t just get a loan from a bank when you need to borrow money. So what can school districts do to borrow money legally and properly?  We will cover the basics of borrowing and bonds for both long-term and short-term funding needs. 

1:50pm - 2:50pm

Implementing Breakfast Programs That Work
New Legislation requires many Illinois school districts to create breakfast programs that serve students breakfast “after the bell.”  The presenter will share information describing programs that have been highly effective in not only meeting the requirements of the legislation but also garnering substantial increases in student participation.

Budget Planning in Tough Financial Times 
Come learn budget planning strategies designed specifically for school districts dealing with financial difficulty. This session is particularly valuable for new superintendents or superintendents/business officials serving in districts with few cash reserves.

FOIA and Personnel Records 
This session will explore confidentiality requirements that apply to records concerning personnel discipline, misconduct, medical issues and performance evaluations. Participants will learn how these confidentiality requirements may apply in response to FOIA requests.

2:50pm - 3:50pm

County Facility Tax Panel
A panel of experienced school business officials will answer questions and discuss several issues regarding the School County Facility Tax.  Please join us to hear how area schools have utilized the School County Facility Tax (allowable projects, property tax abatement), as well as how to handle the accounting transactions for School County Facility Taxes. 

Negotiating Wages and Benefits in Challenging Economic Times 
This presentation by veteran negotiator Dennis Weedman will focus on strategies for achieving settlement on wages and other fringe benefits of employment in this difficult economic environment. Participants will also learn about recent settlement trends.