NASL Article Details

General Announcement

Market Pricing Program Bill Takes Shape

NASL, 1/29/2013

Within the next few weeks, Representative Tom Price, MD (R-GA) is expected to reintroduce Market Pricing Program (MPP) legislation that would replace CMS’ current DMEPOS competitive bidding program. NASL is reviewing the legislative language, which appears similar to that of H.R. 6490, which Congressman Price sponsored last fall. The new bill is expected to address what would happen during a transition from the existing competitive bidding program until the MPP is fully implemented. NASL is hoping for the legislation to be introduced soon, which would boost our advocacy for the repeal of the current competitive bidding system and support of a new MPP bill when we make our Hill visits on February 13 as part of NASL’s Winter Conference agenda.


On a related matter, Representative Nydia Velazquez (D-NY), who serves as Ranking Member of the House Small Business Committee, has introduced H.R.27, the Small Supplier Fairness in Bidding Competition Act of 2013. This legislation calls simply for the repeal of the current Medicare competitive bidding program and termination of contracts that may have been awarded; no alternative programs are recommended.