The Pennsylvania Association of Career and Technical Administrators (PACTA) has received approval from the Pennsylvania Department of Education to offer a Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership (PIL) program for administrators entitled Making Personnel Decisions with a Focus on High-Quality Instruction.
This is a 40-hour PIL focused on best practices and research for: (1) Hiring and retaining the most highly qualified individual for the professional position; (2) Selecting and training mentors for teacher induction; (3) Performance improvement plans to overcome mediocrity and to prevent failure of new and experienced teachers; and (4) Evaluating under ACT 13 of 2020 and severing the relationship with employees who will not or cannot produce the school’s vision and mission for student achievement outcomes. Within two extremes, the program will also focus on performance improvement strategies (modeling and coaching), that can lead to retaining good teachers who desire to learn to be more effective career and technical teachers.
The course will be delivered with one on-line session for seven hours (in-person or synchronous via Zoom), four one-hour online sessions, and a three-hour report out session for the culminating project for a total of 14 hours and 26 hours of job embedded assignments.