Exploring New Approaches to Trade, Investment and Jobs Insight and Impact for Business from the OECD
October 30, 2014 The St. Regis Hotel | Washington, D.C.
Ambassador Michael Froman United States Trade Representative |
Cathy Novelli Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy and the Environment U.S. Department of State |
DRAFT AGENDA NOW AVAILABLE! Click here to view a complete schedule, list of speakers, and panel descriptions.
The USCIB Foundation, BIAC and the OECD are jointly hosting a one-day conference in Washington, D.C. on October 30, 2014 to highlight the innovative work that OECD is doing in the areas of trade and investment and to discuss how this work impacts policy, job creation and trade negotiations around the world. This program will bring together experts from the OECD, U.S. and foreign governments, and business on global value chains, services trade barriers, investment agreements, trade facilitation, and the relationship between regional and multilateral trade negotiations. Speakers will draw on OECD studies in discussing the current and future direction of global trade and investment policies. A full description of the event can be found here.
Featured Speakers:
- Mari Kiviniemi, Deputy Secretary General, OECD
- Yonov Frederick Agah, Deputy Director General, WTO
- Harold McGraw III, Chairman, McGraw Hill Financial; Chairman, International Chamber of Commerce; Chairman, USCIB
- The Honorable James Bacchus, Chair, Greenberg Traurig Global Practice; Former Chairman of the Appellate Body and Chief Judge at the WTO; Former Congressman (FL-11, FL-15); Chairman, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Commission on Trade and Investment Policy
- Phil O’Reilly, CEO, BusinessNZ; Chairman, Business and Industry Advisory Committee (BIAC) to the OECD
- Ambassador Susan Schwab, Strategic Advisor, Mayer Brown; Former United States Trade Representative
- Dr. Heinz Hetmeier, Director of Trade Policy, German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy
- Mark Linscott, Assistant United States Trade Representative for WTO and Multilateral Affairs
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Registration costs are $200 for USCIB members and $225 for non-members, and $100 for government and non-profit attendees. Space is limited. Register now to secure your place at this unique new event!
You can register online by following this link, or fill out a registration form.
For more information on the conference: Please visit www.uscibtrade.org; or contact Diana Jack at djack@uscib.org or (202) 617-3156.
For information on sponsorship opportunities: Please contact Abby Shapiro at ashapiro@uscib.org or (617) 515-8492.
Click here to download an Outlook calendar reminder to save the date of October 30, 2014.
Click here for a list of hotels near the St. Regis in Washington, D.C. if you will be traveling for the conference.
Event Type:Conference Early registration ends on Aug 03, 2014. Regular registration starts on Aug 04, 2014 and ends on Oct 29, 2014. Late registration starts on Oct 30, 2014. (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) |