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Drums Alive Basic Instructor Certificate Training Specifically Designed for Music Therapists
(Event: 2017 AMTA Conference - A Mindful Approach to Music Therapy)

Nov 15, 2017 09:00 am - Nov 15, 2017 06:00 pm
Session Type: Special Training
Track: .


Drums Alive® Basic Instructor Certificate Training Specifically Designed for Music Therapists offers an 8-hour introduction to the vast possibilities of creative movement with drumming. This interactive and FUN “drums-on” training course is a functional approach for improving verbal and nonverbal facilitation skills, discovering new leadership and group management tools, and strengthening group and individual cultural drumming techniques. Training includes acquisition of ultra-practical Drums Alive Basic Positions and Drumming Skills. All participants receive intensive experiential learning by practicing combining rhythmical drumming with meaningful locomotor and non-locomotor movements, cognitive processes, speech patterning, psychosocial experiences, and creative expression.


Learner Objectives:

1. Participants will experience and be able to identify specific health benefits of drumming with movement as well as therapeutic implications of incorporating Drums Alive® Programming. Board Certification Domains: I. B.  3. a) - h) and 9. - 13. I. D.  2. a) and 10. IV. A. 2. and 3.

2. Participants will acquire theoretical and practical knowledge of Client Safety Protocols, Drums Alive® Techniques, Class Formation/Set-Up, Class Design, Inclusion Strategies, and Equipment Maintenance. Board Certification Domains: I. B.  7. - 12.; D. 8., 11., 12., 15. and 16. II. A.  1. a) - e), 5. w). II B.  4., 5.

3. Participants will demonstrate proficiency in executing Basic Drums Alive® Drumming Positions, Skills, and Combined Drumming with Locomotor Movements while creating and designing Basic Drums Alive® Choreographies useful for attaining and reinforcing therapeutic goals and objectives. Board Certification Domains:  II. A.  5. a),  e), h), i) 1 & 4, and 5. j) - ac).; IV. A. 6.



8:30am Check In, Registration & Paperwork

9:00am Introductions, Housekeeping, Brief Intro to Benefits, Inclusivity, & Global Success 9:10am Overview & Brain Beats (Experiential Learning)

9:45am Intro to Drums Alive® Drumology (Theory & Practice - PowerPoint) 10:30am Water/Bathroom Break

10:45am Intro to Drums Alive® Practical Application & Drumming Skills

- Safety Protocols

- Room Set-Up

- Equipment

- Adaptive Materials

- Stick Skills

- Drumming: Base Positions

11:00am Mini Master Class: Basic & Rhythmical Drumming, Eye-Hand Coordination 11:40am Master Class: Warm Up, Cultural Drumming, Cardiovascular, Wellness, Cool Down

12:20pm Water/Bathroom Break

12:30pm Basic Drumming & Locomotor Skills

- Terminology

- Locomotor Movements

- Combining Drumming & Movements 1:00pm LUNCH BREAK - Take Pictures

2:00pm Rhythm & Theory Application (Interactive & Experiential Learning)

- Rhythm Cards

- Speech Patterns

- Connecting R & L Brain

- Medical Coordination

- Adding Cognition

2:30pm Drums Alive® Scientific Research, Theory, & Class Design (PowerPoint) 3:00pm Practical Experience: Basic Skills, Working with Music, Creating Choreography 3:45pm Water/Bathroom Break

4:00pm Practical Exam

4:30pm Adding Formation Work, Psychosocial Experiences, Musical Interpretation, & Creative Expression using DRUMTASTIC® Lesson Plans (Interactive Learning)

5:15pm Inclusion Strategies, Modifications, Potential Applications & Outcomes 5:30pm Oakridge Service Project (video presentation)

5:40pm Written Exam, Course Evals, Certificates, ACE CECs, AFAA CEUs, & CMTEs

6:00pm Thank You & Congratulations"



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