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Kinship Traditions of Caring and Collaborating - Feb 6-8, 2019

Feb 06, 2019 08:30am -
Feb 08, 2019 04:30pm

Event Description

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Phoenix, Arizona

February 6 – 7, 2019 (and optional February 8, 2019)

8:30 am – 4:30 pm


CWLA and Arizona State University, School of Social Work invite you to participate in Kinship Traditions of Caring and Collaborating: A Trauma-Informed Model of Practice Training.  The first two days will focus on providing public and private agency child welfare direct service staff with skills to support kinship families who are caring for their younger family members. Part of the second day will include strategies for how supervisors and their staff can more effectively work together to support this model of practice.  An optional third day will focus on strategies to adapt and transfer this model, including facilitator or training strategies.  The program embraces a trauma-informed model of practice that helps agencies ensure a shared vision, mission, objectives, values, strengths-based language, and best practice strategies to help achieve child safety, well-being, and permanency outcomes in the best interests of kinship caregiving families. This training is adapted from a research to practice curriculum that has been field-tested nationally.


Training objectives include:

  1. Demonstrate why and how kinship care has become a policy choice and practice challenge;
  2. Provide the rationale for collaboration as a trauma-informed model of practice;
  3. Identify and provide examples of nine major issues of concern that require collaboration with kinship caregivers (including legal, health/mental health, child behavior, family relationships, fair and equal treatment, and more);
  4. Demonstrate five competencies essential for collaborating with kinship caregivers, including addressing the dynamics of attachment versus authority, and demographic and cultural diversity;
  5. Apply the five competencies to phases of service delivery, including engaging families and securing community supports;
  6. Demonstrate collaboration practice tools with an emphasis on family assessment and trauma-informed kinship caregiving;
  7. Share strategies that support the transfer of skills from this training to agency implementation, including advocacy;
  8. Demonstrate additional strategies in Day 3 to support the above objectives. 


Participants and Facilitators: This training is designed for direct service staff who work at public and private child welfare agencies, their supervisors, representatives of kinship support groups, navigators, and advocacy programs, as well as staff who work with mental health, juvenile justice, and school programs. Kinship caregivers and child welfare students are warmly welcomed. The facilitator will be Eileen Mayers Pasztor, DSW, a principal developer of the curriculum, CWLA trainer, and Professor, California State University, Long Beach School of Social Work. A kinship caregiver also will participate to help demonstrate a collaboration model. 


Training Registration Fee:

Two-Days: CWLA Members, $325; Non-Members, $400

Three-Days: CWLA Members, $475; Non-Members, $600

Includes two or three days of sharing strategies and techniques to support staff and kinship caregivers, and handout materials.


Training CEUs Fee:  CWLA Members, $35; Non-Members, $50

12 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are available for the two-day training, provided through NASW – Washington State Chapter.


Training Location:  The training will be held at Arizona State University, 618 N. Central Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85004, Room: Concho Room, located on the 1st floor of the Westward Ho Bldg. Hotel: Check our Location page for hotel options near the training site. Travel: Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport.


Questions regarding registration should be directed to Julie Brite at Questions regarding the program should be directed to Donna Petras at


We look forward to your participation in this timely and inspiring training!

Event Type:Training
Category:Educational Seminar
Early registration ends on Dec 30, 2018.
Regular registration starts on Dec 31, 2018 and ends on Feb 02, 2019.
Late registration starts on Feb 03, 2019.
(GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)