Ohio CSEA Directors' Association

Multi-Order Calculator

Child Support Calculator for Income Providers/Employers

This calculator is being provided to assist income providers/employers in determining the appropriate amount of support to deduct and remit for employees with multiple child support orders. The accuracy of the result is dependent upon the accuracy of the information you enter in the required fields. This calculator complies with the withholding requirements pursuant to the Federal Consumer Credit Protection Act and follows the hierarchy requirements allowing deductions to be first applied to current support amounts and other obligations second.

Print these instructions for information on how to use the Multi-Order Calculator.

The Ohio CSEA Directors' Association is not responsible for calculations that may result in incorrect amount(s) being sent for payment.  Please contact the Child Support Enforcement Agency that issued the Withholding Order should have you any questions or experience problems using this calculator.


Ohio CSEA Directors' Association, Inc. 2022

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