Session Details

AM07: Decision Theory Demystified
(Event: SMDM 39th Annual Meeting: Pittsburgh, PA)

Oct 22, 2017 9:00AM - Oct 22, 2017 12:30PM
Session Type: Short Course- AM 1/2 Day

Decision theory topics can be abstract and difficult to understand. Although theory underlies clinical decision science research, it is not always apparent how the underlying frameworks influence our results. This course will enhance a clinician or researcher’s literacy on decisions theory topics and connect theory with real world examples. The aim will be to illustrate not only how theory is applied in practice, but also how underlying assumptions and frameworks can influence results.
This workshop will provide participants with a basic overview of several decision theory topics and relate theory to practice in the context of health system research. The broad theory topics that we will introduce from a theory and practice perspective are expected value of information, the value of a statistical life, and decision-making under uncertainty.  In support of these concepts, additional topics that may be discussed at a superficial level include risk aversion, anchoring, discounting, and utility theory.  The formal notation that can succinctly and precisely communicate decision theory will be included in the lecture, while we will primarily emphasize the concepts through visualizations and real world examples. The course will include lecture and exercise components. We will challenge participants to apply the theoretical concepts to clinical examples through hands-on exercises.  This course is meant to be fun and intuitive and will help participant’s discuss the theory that underlies their research.

By the end of this course participants will:

  • Develop intuition on a range of decision theory concepts
  • Gain an ability to discuss and describe decision theory topics and how they relate to a participant’s research agenda
  • Understand how decision theory influences practical applications in clinical settings including implied assumptions and limitations to theoretical frameworks

Course Director
Course Faculty



Session Fees
Fee TypeMember FeeNon-Member Fee
This session is free
Early: $190.00 $320.00
Regular: $235.00 $365.00
Late: $235.00 $365.00
This session is free
Early: $165.00 $165.00
Regular: $210.00 $210.00
Late: $210.00 $210.00


Society for Medical Decision Making
136 Everett Road
Albany, NY 12205

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