Session Details

AM03: Survival Analysis: Why, What, How?
(Event: SMDM 42nd Annual Meeting: Virtual Meeting)

Oct 13, 2020 9:00AM - Oct 13, 2020 12:00PM
Session Type: Short Course- AM 1/2 Day


Determining the clinical value of a product is a key challenge in health technology assessments (HTAs) and survival benefit can be a major component of the clinical value, especially in fields such as oncology. However, survival benefit is typically established based on trial data with limited follow-up, thus extrapolation to a longer time horizon is often required in order to estimate the full value of the product. This course will provide an introduction to why one would want to conduct survival analyses, what methods are available, and how to use these methods. It will cover how to interpret Kaplan-Meier curves, and how to extrapolate observed survival, or any other time to event outcome of interest, to a time horizon of use for HTAs. Participants will explore standard parametric extrapolation methods as well as receiving a primer on alternative methods that can account for more complex survival data.

Course Type
Half Day
Format Requirements
Note: this is the same short course as previously accepted for ESMDM Berlin 2020 but tailored to a virtual environment. All course faculty are Europe-based, thus US afternoon timeslots will not be feasible. The course will consist of a series of lectures, interspersed with hands-on exercises. The lectures will introduce various theoretical concepts and the hands-on exercises will provide participants with an opportunity to reinforce and deepen their understanding of the concepts. Throughout the course, participants will be provided with code examples on how to conduct survival analyses in R or Stata. Given that this conference will be virtual, attendees are encouraged to pre-install R and RStudio, or Stata. Introductory pre-read materials will be shared prior to the course. No prior knowledge on survival analysis is assumed or required. For the hands-on exercises it would be helpful for participants to have a basic knowledge of using R, Stata, or alternatives.
Description & Objectives
This half day course will provide participants with a comprehensive introduction to the basics of survival analysis. The course will start by introducing the Kaplan-Meier (KM) curve and the interpretation of such curves. Theoretical concepts will be illustrated with real examples and participants will get hands-on experience with plotting KM curves, fitting a Cox model and evaluating the assumption of proportional hazards. This will allow practice with interpreting results of a trial dataset.

Special attention will be given to the hazards underlying the survival curves and these hazard curves will be used as a basis to discuss and compare different standard parametric models. Model selection is a key element of survival analysis, and choices made in the model selection can have a strong impact on health technology assessments. The discussion will investigate technical aspects of the models, but also relate this to clinical interpretation. Participants will be provided with a dataset and a simple code basis to explore multiple parametric models themselves. A completed code set will be provided after the hands-on exercises.

Once the standard parametric models have been explored, the concept of complex hazard functions will be introduced as well as methods for modelling more complex survival data. The course will be wrapped up by highlighting the importance of validating survival analyses.

Completing this course will allow participants to:

  1. Identify contexts in which survival analysis is relevant and appropriate
  2. Plot and interpret KM curves
  3. Assess the assumption of proportional hazards
  4. Extrapolate observed survival using standard parametric models
  5. Understand complexity in survival data and suggest appropriate methods for analysis
  6. Discuss the impact of choices made in the survival analysis
Course Director


Session Fees
Fee TypeMember FeeNon-Member Fee
This session is free
Early: $40.00 $40.00
Regular: $40.00 $40.00
Late: $40.00 $40.00
This session is free
Early: $20.00 $20.00
Regular: $20.00 $20.00
Late: $20.00 $20.00


Society for Medical Decision Making
136 Everett Road
Albany, NY 12205

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