Session Details

Introduction to Social Media and Big Data for Migration Studies
(Event: PAA 2023 Annual Meeting)

Apr 12, 2023 1:00pm - Apr 12, 2023 4:00pm
Session Type: Workshop


In this second edition of the workshop, we aim to introduce two types of big data, i.e., Google Trends and Twitter data. This workshop will be the great opportunity for the researchers in the study of migration but also demography in general to get familiar with two popular sources of data. We plan to begin the session by introducing the data format, related literature, empirical findings, advantages and critical challenges of such data. We then plan to have more interactive sessions on how to retrieve these data and write and search inquiries. While the innovative data sources such as social media provide us with great volumes of data for research, representativeness of such data is still questionable and dependent on the context. Therefore, we adopt the general strategy of combining innovative data sources with traditional data, commonly used in the literature. Thus, we will mention how to combine Google Trends and Twitter data with traditional data sources12,13,14 , both to test their reliability and understand the adjustments necessary to make meaningful analyses. 


By the end of this workshop, we expect the participants to learn to:

  • Obtain basic knowledge of both Google Trends and Twitter data

  • Know how to access Google Trends data using statistical software

  • Know how to process Google Trends data to make it suitable for research

  • Know how to access the data and learn Twitter API.

  • Know how to apply for the Academic research on Twitter for better access to the data

  • Know how to write search queries

  • Extract interesting new research ideas using these data


The participants are required to bring their laptops to the workshop. Prior to the workshop, it is necessary to download and install both R and Python. To participate in the hands-on session, it is required that the participants should have a minimum knowledge of either R or Python. They are also required to read and follow the instructions and materials that will be sent out before the workshop.




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