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T. Beyond Accompaniment: Instrumental Techniques for Playing, Teaching, & Utilizing the Ukulele in t
(Event: 2018 AMTA Conference, "Music Therapy for a Growing World")

Nov 15, 2018 9:30 am - Nov 15, 2018 12:30 pm
Session Type: Additional Course
Track: .


While the ukulele may be easy to play, music therapists may be unsure how to utilize it in a clinical setting beyond as an accompaniment instrument. This interactive course focuses playing tips/techniques, teaching others to play, clinical adaptations, and new online resources. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own ukulele.


1. Participants will demonstrate newly acquired ukulele skills to include improvisation, tablature, and different accompaniment styles by demonstrating in large and small group settings (IV.A.6).

2. Participants will identify techniques for teaching the ukulele to clients of different ages and abilities in a success-oriented approach, demonstrating them in pairs and/or small groups (I.D.9, II.A.2.b, o, x, z, aa, ad, ag, ap, bd; I.D.9).

3. Participants will demonstrate how to utilize and navigate FretTab, Chordette, & the UKC MT-BC Portal, applications/programs designed to help music therapists create and share tablature, chord charts, and other ukulele resources. (IV.A.7, II.A.5.e, p, ac).


5-Intro/background/pass out ukuleles
10-Ukefarm & Chordette apps, MT-BC portal
20- Chords, beginning songs
20- Strum patterns
10- Break
20- Finger picking
15- Improvisation
20- Color-coded strings
10- Break
20- Tabs
15- Questions, sharing materials, wrap-up
15- Evaluations



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