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CMTE C A Clinician’s Guide for Interpreting and Applying Research in Evidence-Based Practice
(Event: 2017 AMTA Conference - A Mindful Approach to Music Therapy)

Nov 16, 2017 07:30 am - Nov 16, 2017 12:30 pm
Session Type: CMTE Course
Track: .


A core pillar of evidenced-based clinical decision-making requires reading, understanding, and applying research findings to practice. Attendees will be empowered to engage with the literature from the clinician’s viewpoint, deepen their understanding of the foundational concepts in objectivist and interpretivist research, and gain strategies for integrating scholarship into clinical practice. 


Learner Objectives:

"1. Participants will learn how to become discerning and critical consumers of research in order to inform their treatment planning and clinical decision-making.


CBMT Domain:

I:D:2: Consult the following in the treatment planning process:

a: clinical and research literature


2. Participants will explore recreating the music therapy interventions outlined in methods sections in order to achieve similar outcomes as the research study.


CBMT Domain:

D:10: Design music therapy experiences that address client goals and objectives based on available research


3. Participants will learn fundamentals of objectivist and interpretivist research, including the purpose of common statistical tests, the functions of popular designs, and how to interpret findings and conclusions.


CBMT Domain:

IV: A:2: Review current research literature in music therapy and related disciplines


0 - :30 Introductions and opportunity for attendees to clarify their learning needs

:30 – 1:00 Opening discussion about what research is, who it is for, and the role it plays for the various stakeholders

1:00 – 1:30 Discussion about principles of objectivist research germane to clinical practice, including but not limited to efficacy v. effectiveness, statistical significance v. clinical significance, and evaluative criteria such as validity and reliability. A comparison of objectivist research data and objectivist clinical data with an evaluation of the implications of both as a component of clinical practice.

1:30 – 1:45 Break

1:45 – 2:30 Large group experiential: recreating music experiences as described in the methods section(s) of research studies with the intention of achieving similar outcomes

2:30 – 2:45 Debriefing and processing about the experiential

2:45 – 3:30 Discussion about the principles of interpretivist research germane to clinical practice, including but not limited to the different roles and intentions of the primary designs and evaluative criteria such as confirmability and transferability. A comparison of interpretivist research data and interpretivist clinical data with an evaluation of the implications of both as a component of clinical practice

3:30 – 3:45 Break

3:45 – 4:15 Small group experiential: break into groups depending on interest in grounded theory, phenomenology, and ethnography to discuss how their chosen design can best inform practice in their present clinical setting

4:15 – 4:30 Debriefing and processing about the experiential

4:30 – 4:45 Wrap-up

4:45 – 5:00 Complete CMTE evaluations



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