Table of Contents:
From the Editor: Eyes on the Prize:
Maintaining a Family Focus in Child Welfare
The Benefits of Motivational
Interviewing and Coaching for Improving the Practice of Comprehensive Family
Assessments in Child Welfare
Elizabeth H. Snyder, C. Nicole Lawrence, Tara N.
Weatherholt, and Paul Nagy
Assessing Systemic Barriers to
Permanency Achievement for Children in Out-of-Home Care: Development of the
Child Permanency Barriers Scale
April L. Murphy, Riaan Van Zyl, Crystal Collins-Camargo, and
Dana Sullivan
Cherish the Family: A Program Model
of Strengths and Attachment in Reunifying Substance-Abusing Mothers with their
Ruby Natale, Stephanie H. Scott, Stephanie T. Camejo, Maria Hernandez,
and Omayra Sellas-Lamberty
Short-Term Disruption Rates and
Long-Term Outcomes of a Professional Parent Program
Robyn Redinger
Social Workers and Satisfaction with
Child Welfare Work: Aspects of Work, Profession, and Personal Life that
Contribute to Turnover
Micheal L. Shier, John R. Graham, Eriko Fukuda, Keith
Brownlee, Theresa J.B. Kline, Seemeen Sawalji, and Nuelle Novik
Supporting College Success in Foster
Care Alumni: Salient Factors Related to Postsecondary Retention
Amy M. Salazar
Massachusetts and Scotland: From
Juvenile Justice to Child Welfare?
Janice McGhee and Lorraine Alice
Margaret Waterhouse