This book contains the combined proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Wood & Biofiber Plastic Composites held May 11–12, 2009 and the Cellulose Nanocomposites Symposium held May 13, 2009. Held ever other year, the conference series brings together people from research, academia, and industry to discuss and disseminate information and ideas in the area of woodfiber and other natural fiber-thermoplastic composite materials. The breadth of interest in the subject and its worldwide significance are reflected in conference participation, with 174 participants representing 15 countries attending the 2009 conference.
Formal presentations covered fundamental and applied aspects of the fiber-plastic composites field. Keynote presenters spoke about the history of bio-based and petroleum-based polymers, wood-plastic composite trends, and how and why to conduct durability testing. Papers presented in Session A covered foaming, performance, and materials. Concurrent Session B topics covered durability, products and materials, and processing. In addition, the one-day Cellulose Nanocomposites Symposium provided an overview of cellulose nanotechnology with a summary of research and applications.