
Membership Details
Life Interim Membership
Select from the available dues rates for this membership.
Dues Rate:
Member Price$360.00
New Member Price$360.00
Membership Description

Life Interim membership provides an installment plan to Life Membership. Life Interim members are current members of ASALH as long as their consecutive annual installment payments are made.

Membership Benefits

  • Priority scheduling of ASALH Bureau speakers/lecturers
  • Discounts on Annual Conference registration. Only members may present papers and participate in the author's book signing event.
  • Digital access to all published issues, including back issues of Journal of African American History
  • Digital access to all published issues, including back issues of Fire!!The Digital Journal of Black Studies
  • Digital access to the annual volume of the Black History Bulletin and available back issues
  • FREE ONLINE posting of your events to the ASALH News & Events webpage
  • FREE ONLINE posting of member authored books on the ASALH Bookshelf
  • FREE ONLINE posting of Job on the ASALH Job Board
  • One vote at each years Executive Council Election
  • Membership Card

Membership year and benefit period is January 1 - December 31

Membership received after the annual conference will be applied to the next calendar year. 

Life Interim Membership is comprised of 5 Annual Installment payments.

Please be sure to select the appropriate installment payment towards your Life Interim Membership.

*To order a print subscription for $20 in addition to your digital subscription call the ASALH Office at (202) 238-5910.

"I Want To Continue The Legacy":

We encourage you to join an ASALH Branch. Here is the branch directory. Contact the branch for information on meetings and programs. All branch members must pay national dues and applicable branch dues. 

Membership InformationThis is a Calendar based MembershipMembership Term Effective Date:12Expiration Date:7/7/2024Referred By:12/31/2024
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Name of my ASALH Branch, if applicable:
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