Merchandise Details E-Course: Personalized Music Listening & Music Therapy Sorry for the inconvenience, this item is no longer available.
Member Price$75.00 Non-Member Price$125.00 Merchandise Description
Cost: $125 - includes 3 CMTE credits. Regular discounted price for members is $75 - includes 3 CMTE credits.
Participants in this AMTA E-course, Personalized Music Listening and Music Therapy: Ready Access to Favorite Tunes, will learn in general about personalized music listening for people in care facilities and specifically about several Music & Memory programs facilitated by board certified music therapists. The e-course includes information about research demonstrating the value of preferred music listening programs as well as cautions and safe procedures. The MT-BCs teaching this AMTA E-course share information about programs they have facilitated, and they provide guidelines for creating a personalized music listening program and for working with a Music & Memory certified facility. Participants in this e-course will learn information and creative ideas for board certified music therapists to use when developing programs to help people in care facilities gain ready access to their best-loved tunes.
Learning Objectives
- Objective #1. Referring to the “Guidance for Music Listening Programs” FAQ sheet, list at least five options for obtaining information about each client’s preferences for leisure time music listening from available resources, e.g., client, caregiver, documentation, family members, other professionals, treatment team members. (CBMT Board Certification Domain I. B. 2. and 1. B. 4. i.)
- Objective #2. After viewing the “Music & Memory Primer for Music Therapists” slideshow, list at least 5 ways Board Certified Music Therapists have worked with clients, families, and caregivers to design a workable leisure-time music listening program individualized specifically for that person. (CBMT Board Certification Domains I. D. 1, 2, 3, 4,)
- Objective #3. After selecting and reading two articles from the bibliography in the e-course workbook, list 3 points made in each article relating to effective processes for selecting music meeting each client’s music preferences, for selecting appropriate technology, or for addressing other logistical details that may be required for an effective individualized music listening program. (CBMT Board Certification Domains 1. D. 9, 11, 12.)
Once you purchase this item, you must download the e-course workbook with instructions and links for listening to or watching the course. Go to the AMTA website and log in on the left side using the QuickLink, “My Account>Login.” After logging into your AMTA online account with your primary email and password, go to the top tab “My Transactions,” and the “My Downloadable Products” link, then click on the item to open it. Save to your local computer. This purchase will remain available in your account for one year from the purchase date.
Note: The cost of each e-course purchase entitles one individual to participate in and complete the e-course for CMTE credit. If a course is being purchased for multiple individuals, it must be purchased separately for each participant. Please email the national office if you are purchasing a course for someone other than yourself so credit can be applied to that person's record.