
Membership Details
Individual Network Member
Member Price$245.00
New Member Price$245.00
Membership Description

Want to become a member of the Sex Ed Network? As a member of the network, you will have access to some awesome perks. Members receive:

  • Access to over 250 different lessons from some of the great sex ed curricula created by the Center for Sex Education
  • Access to the American Journal for Sexuality Education
  • $100 discount on registration for the annual National Sex Ed Conference

Do you need more than one person in your organization to have access to these lesson plans? Purchase an organizational membership for just $495! You also can purchase an individual membership for $245. 


Membership InformationThis is an Anniversary based MembershipMembership Term Effective Date:12Expiration Date:9/1/2024Referred By:8/31/2025
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Our Location
The Center for Sex Education
196 Speedwell Ave
Morristown, NJ 07960

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