
Membership Details
Member Price$2,500.00
New Member Price$2,500.00
Membership Description

The corporate membership category is open to corporations, businesses, industries, and other private for-profit entities providing products or services to justice agencies.  Membership should not be seen as an endorsement of any product or company.  

The corporate membership includes member benefits for three employees. Benefits of corporate membership include:

  • One complimentary copy of the current NCJA membership list
  • Discounted registration for NCJA's Forum on Criminal Justice and other meetings.
  • A membership certificate to display in the member's booth at the NCJA Forum or regional meetings
  • Permission to identify the member's affiliation on corporate website and related materials
  • Three subscriptions to Justice Bulletin, NCJA's weekly newsletter.
  • The opportunity to interact with state, tribal and local justice leaders through participation in NCJA activities.
  • Access to the members only section of the NCJA web site for each employee who receives member benefits.
  • Participation in NCJA's online community Connect2Justice for each employee who receives member benefits.
  • Free registration for the NCJA Members Only webinar series for each employee who receives member benefits
Membership InformationThis is an Anniversary based MembershipMembership Term Effective Date:12Expiration Date:7/16/2024Referred By:7/15/2025