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Fall Leadership Summit Owners & Administrators Workshop Baton Rouge 9/22/10

Sep 22, 2010 8:00 am -
Sep 22, 2010 4:00 pm

Event Description

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Workshop Information:


Rebasing 2014: Accuracy in Cost Reporting & Home Health Finance 2010

Have you heard the latest related to home health financial implications of the Accountable Care Act? Medicare Cost Reports will be used to rebase Medicare rates in 2014. With $40 billion in reductions to home health expenditures can we afford to lose even more money by filing inaccurate cost reports?  If CMS’s rebasing of rates in 2014 is done with poor information, we will have only ourselves to blame. In this half day program longtime gurus of homecare accounting, Joe Crouch and Glen Langlinais, will explain the purpose, regulations, and intricacies of this vital document to help assure accuracy for 2014.

There are also many other financial implications for home health included in the Accountable Care Act (ACA), our healthcare reform legislation. Glen and Joe will also guide you through intricacies of the Small Employer Health Insurance Credit and the HIRE Act, both effective this year, 2010. W-2 and 1099 issues will impact providers, as well as the ’36 month rule’ which impacts the sale of home health agencies. They will also discuss implications of the proposed rule for home health scheduled for January 2011.

The Latest in Medicare Fraud & Abuse Activity from the US Attorney &

Changes in Anti-Kickback and False Claims Act Laws

The July 16, 2010 Medicare fraud arrests of 31 people in Baton Rouge and 94 across the country serves notice that the criminal element in healthcare will be pursued and prosecuted. The ‘Strike Force’ or SWAT team approach to developing cases and pressing charges against physicians and ‘recruiters’ marks a new era in enforcement for the Department of Justice. What does this heightened scrutiny mean for the home health provider community? Assistant US Attorney Corey Amundson, JD, will join us to present the latest in their endeavor to root out Medicare fraud in our area.

Have you heard that the Affordable Care Act (ACA), our new healthcare reform law, includes changes in Anti-Kickback and False Claims Act laws? Remember the old days when ‘Qui Tam’ or ‘Whistle Blower’ claims were major concerns for owners? Healthcare reform, ACA, also amended two key definitions under the False Claims Act that may well revive Qui Tam concerns.

Greg Frost, JD, who has practiced healthcare law for almost 30 years, will share the implications of ACA changes on home health providers. Healthcare is in the midst of a period of unprecedented scrutiny. Owners and administrators must educate themselves about these changes and be vigilant in their corporate compliance. Attendees will learn about new penalties for overpayment and the obligation to expedite return of any self-identified overpayments.

Is your agency using ‘recruiters’? Do your referrals all come from the same physician or two or three physicians? Frost, an expert in corporate compliance, will address the broadened discretion of the HHS Secretary to consult with the OIG to suspend payments in the case of a ‘credible allegation of fraud’. Attendees will leave with a heightened awareness of the implications of the challenges the Affordable Care Act poses for the industry, and a clear plan towards compliance.


Event Location:

Embassy Suites
4914 Constitution Avenue
Baton Rouge, LA 70809
Phone: 225-924-6566

Event Type:Workshop
Early registration ends on Aug 15, 2010.
Regular registration starts on Aug 16, 2010 and ends on Sep 15, 2010.
Late registration starts on Sep 16, 2010.
(GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)


Registration Fees
Fee TypeEarlyRegularLate
Member Fee: $195.00$245.00$245.00
Non-Member Fee: $325.00$425.00$425.00
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