The Administrator's Role in Collective Bargaining - AAC #809 - O'Fallon - (3/9/2016)

Mar 09, 2016 07:30am -
Mar 09, 2016 03:30pm

Event Description

This course is for all educational leaders who take an active role in the collective bargaining process.  Participants will learn the legal aspects of bargaining in Illinois. Prior to the course meeting, participants will be required to review a sampling of readily available documents (school board meeting minutes, administrative group meeting minutes, newspaper articles, etc.) related to the last two contract negotiations in their districts. Based on that review and their analysis of current relevant issues, participants will come to the session with a prepared list of questions/issues that they wish to see addressed. In class, participants will study current bargaining issues, strategies and approaches and they will conclude their learning experience by developing a specific plan to apply this new learning to their local bargaining situation.

PD Clock Hours: 6.0 hrs.
Designation Points: 6 pts.

Registration & Refreshments: 7:30am - 8:00am
Program: 8:30am - 3:30pm
Lunch: 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Due to changes in the Illinois State Board of Education professional development requirements, please be advised that you will be required to sign in to all professional development opportunities, in which credits are offered. Each attendee will also be required to fill out an evaluation summary in order to receive credit.

Event Type:Seminars
Category:Administrators' Academy Credit
Early registration ends on Oct 20, 2015.
Regular registration starts on Oct 21, 2015 and ends on Mar 10, 2016.
Late registration starts on Mar 11, 2016.
(GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)


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PDF Collective Bargaining 3-9-16