Online AAC #1859 - Understanding & Supporting Instructional Coaching: Toolkit - (11/20/2019)

Nov 20, 2019 09:00am -
Nov 20, 2019 12:00pm

Event Description

Please disregard the registration button. To register, click HERE.

Illinois ASBO is now partnering with the Illinois Principals Association (IPA) to deliver online professional development! Stay relevant and keep up your license through a selection of convenient online academies, specifically identified as relevant to school business professionals.

Online academies offer the opportunity to get administrator academy credit without having to leave the district. Lasting 3 hours in the morning, plus additional pre- and post-academy work, IPA’s online academies gives busy administrators a great way to get their annual administrator academy credit. The academies will include pre- and post-homework, so watch your registration for additional details.

Instructional coaches are all over education and many schools have recently acquired them or grown their program. How do you as a leader help them and the program increase the instructional capacity of your faculty? This session will hone in on those practices that build up your tool box and understanding of the supportive actions administrators can take and how to avoid fragmentation with your evaluation and coaching processes. Coaching can be a major leadership lever for you to drive performance so our hope is to learn actual steps you can take to increase the skill of your coaches, teachers, and you!

Keep checking Illinois ASBO’s event listings for more relevant online offerings throughout the year. Registration will take place through the IPA website.

To ensure you receive the discounted IPA rate of $199 enter the discount code: 20IASBO in the discount box on the IPA registration page and click, "apply". If you have any questions or difficulty applying the code, please contact Beth Broyles at

Event Type:Administrators' Academy Credit
Category:Administrators' Academy Credit
Early registration ends on Jun 18, 2019.
Regular registration starts on Jun 19, 2019 and ends on Nov 19, 2019.
Late registration starts on Nov 20, 2019.