Impact of State Funding on Your School District's Budget - (8/26/2015)

Aug 26, 2015 07:30am -
Aug 26, 2015 12:30pm

Event Description

The Governor and the General Assembly have not yet agreed on all aspects of the state budget and the House and Senate continue weekly meetings to try and resolve the issues. This half-day seminar will provide the latest update on the impact to school districts regarding such things as General State Aid, a property tax freeze, and the new pension reform proposal. 

PD Clock Hours: 4.5 

Registration: 7:30am - 8:00am
Program: 8:00am - 12:30pm

Due to changes in the Illinois State Board of Education professional development requirements, please be advised that you will be required to sign or scan in to all professional development opportunities in which credits are offered. Each attendee will also be required to fill out an evaluation summary in order to receive credits.


Event Type:Seminars
Early registration ends on Jul 19, 2015.
Regular registration starts on Jul 20, 2015 and ends on Aug 28, 2015.
Late registration starts on Aug 29, 2015.
(GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)


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