Committee Leadership Details

Board of Directors-Finance and Personnel Subcommittee

Committee Description

This group meets to discuss the finance and personnel issues with NAACCR as an organization. The Finance/Personnel Subcommittee shall be a subcommittee of the NAACCR, Inc. Board of Directors. The purpose of the Subcommittee shall be twofold:
(1) to review, monitor, and recommend policy for the organization that pertains to the management of the financial resources and the financial risks of the organization. These may include policies with respect to investments and uses of cash, and strategy for the fiscal stability of the organization; and

(2) to give advice, recommend policy, and provide support to the NAACCR Board of Directors for any significant personnel issues related to the Executive Director.  

These may include topics such as compensation or other personnel matters of the organization. This Subcommittee will also respond to any requests from the Executive Director. 

Committee Leadership

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  • Department of Health & Human Services
  • Center For Disease Control

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