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NCAI Fund:

The National Congress of American Indians Fund (NCAI Fund) is the 501(c)(3) nonprofit public-education arm of the National Congress of American Indians, the Nation’s oldest and largest organization made up of American Indian and Alaska Native tribal governments and their citizens.  The NCAI Fund’s mission is to educate the general public, and tribal, federal, and state government officials about tribal self-government, treaty rights, and policy issues affecting Indian tribes, including the interpretation of Indian statutes.

Donations to the NCAI
 Fund are tax deductible as charitable contributions.


The National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit social welfare organization, and the oldest and largest organization made up of American Indian and Alaska Native tribal governments and their citizens to advocate on their behalf. NCAI’s mission is to advocate for the protection of treaty rights, inherent rights, and other rights guaranteed to tribes through agreements with the United States and under federal law; to promote the common welfare of American Indians and Alaska Natives; and to promote a better understanding of Indian peoples.

Donations to NCAI are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes

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