Therapeutic presence is the foundation for promoting effective therapeutic relationships and therapy, through creating neurophysiological experiences of safety. This workshop will present Therapeutic Rhythm and Mindfulness (TRMTM), an innovative program combining group drumming and mindfulness to strengthen therapists’ presence with clients as well as support their own resiliency and self-care.
Learner Objectives:
Participants will:
• Understand an empirically validated model of therapeutic presence
Board domains: II. A. 1, b
• Identify the neurophysiological underpinnings and benefits of therapeutic presence
Board domains: II. A. 1, b.
• Learn how the Therapeutic Rhythm & Mindfulness Program can increase positive emotions including vitality, connection with self and others, and overall sense of wellbeing
Board domains: II A. a. 1.; 2. g), u), ag), ak), aq). bd)
• Develop take home tools to strengthen presence with self and clients and to increase resiliency and well-being
Board domains: IV. A 1-3, 6. A 1-3, 6
1. Introduction and Overview of the Program (15 minutes)
2. Experiential Practice and Debrief (20 minutes)
3. Ice Breaker /Experiential practice (15 minutes)
4. Intro to Drumming and Community drumming circle (20 minutes)
5. Presentation on the Elements of Therapeutic Presence and the neurophysiological underpinnings of presence (15 minutes)
Break (15 minutes)
6. Experiential: Grounding, Drumming Practices (15 mins)
7. Experiential: Immersion and Expansion (20 mins)
8. Experiential: Compassion Practice (20 minutes)
9. Closing Guided meditation (15 Minutes)
10. Course Evaluation (10 Minutes)
155 learning time; 180 minutes total