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2018 AMTA Conference, "Music Therapy for a Growing World"

Nov 15, 2018 07:00pm -
Nov 18, 2018 02:00pm

Event Type: Conference
Category: Annual Conference

Speaker Information

AMTA is honored to present many of the foremost authorities on music therapy at its 2018 Conference. Come learn and grow with the best and the brightest in music therapy.

Don't Miss the Special Friday Night Concert with Honored Guest Kechi Okwuchi

Kechi Okwuchi is a Nigerian-born 27 year-old who loves to sing. In 2005, she was aboard an airplane that crashed and killed 107 out of 109 passengers, 60 of whom were fellow classmates and friends. She suffered third-degree burns over 65% of her body and was air-lifted to Milpark Hospital in Johannesburg, South Africa for immediate medical attention. Later, Kechi was transferred to Shriners Hospitals for Children in Galveston, Texas, where she underwent multiple intensive surgical procedures and received music therapy services. Kechi graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of St. Thomas and then worked for the African League of Legends, where she helped coordinate an annual award show hosted by the non-profit organization. Kechi was a speaker at TedxEuston where she gave a talk titled “Girls—know thyself” and later went on to take part in the twelfth season of America’s Got Talent. She finished the competition as a finalist in the top ten. She now forges forward in faith with music as her primary goal. As an honored guest of the 2018 conference, she will perform a special concert on Friday night.  Kechi’s first-hand experience as a client of music therapy will enlighten and inspire you!


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