SupportCon South - (9/21/2015)

Sep 21, 2015 08:00am -
Sep 21, 2015 03:00pm

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Event Type: Conferences
Category: Day Conferences

Sponsor Information


The Joint Educational Support Professionals Conference is hosted and sponsored by some of the best associations for professional development in the state of Illinois. These associations offer a wide range of services detailed to meet the needs of their individual membership. By coming together, these groups pool their resources and expertise to help ensure a conference that will be top-caliber for those attending.

The Illinois Association of School Administrators (IASA) is the premier advocacy organization for school administrators in the state. IASA’s Mission is to support school leaders in the pursuit of educational excellence through continued school improvement. Since 1946, the IASA has offered Illinois school administrators the opportunity to join with colleagues throughout the state to improve the quality of public education in Illinois and to maintain the high standards of their profession.

To encourage networking, the state has been divided into 21 IASA Regions. Each region schedules regular meetings at the local level. Each region also selects or elects individuals to represent their region on the IASA Board of Directors and to serve as representatives on IASA’s five representative committees. In addition, IASA has a Governmental Strategies Delegation and Membership Strategies Delegation.

IASA is a state-chartered association of the American Association of School Administrators (AASA). The two associations work cooperatively in a number of endeavors to serve the needs of members in the local, state and national arenas. IASA members are encouraged to join the AASA and to become active members in its programs and services, but dual membership is not a requirement.

IASA offers a variety of professional enhancement and resource services to its members including professional and legal assistance, a return of dues program, newsletters and employment publications, conferences, professional development programs, and networking– just to name a few!

The Illinois Association of School Boards is a voluntary organization of local boards of education dedicated to strengthening the public schools through local citizen control. Although not a part of state government, IASB is organized by member school boards as a private not-for-profit corporation under authority granted by Article 23 of The Illinois School Code.

The mission of the Illinois Association of School Boards is excellence in local school governance and support of public education.

Founded in 1952, Illinois ASBO is devoted to the school business management profession and strives to promote the standards of school business administration through a multitude of benefits for every member.

  • Job placement assistance
  • Student scholarship opportunities
  • Access to our website
  • Publications
  • Professional development seminars
  • Annual Conference
  • Legislative involvement
  • CSBO certification program
  • Headquarters on-call support

The association provides services to foster professional development, leadership skills and attempts to improve the quality of educational programs and services. Staff expertise, members and volunteers promote the highest standard of school business administration and take pride in providing members with a comprehensive guide to the most reliable companies, services and products for schools throughout Illinois.