Licensure Exam Prep Course (September 15-16)

Sep 15, 2017 08:00am -
Sep 16, 2017 05:00pm

Event Type: Training

Speaker Information

Delores Dungee-Anderson, Phd, LCSW serves as the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at the Wayne State University School of Social Work in Detroit, MI. She previously served as tenured-Associate Professor and MSW Program Director at Virginia Commonwealth University. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (Virginia) and maintains an independent clinical practice in Midlothian, Virginia. She is both trained and credentialed in Forensic Social Work, Clinical Hypnosis, and Complex Trauma Disorders (PTSD, military PTSD and Dissociative Disorders). Additionally, she has extensive experience and expertise in Personality disorders and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. She is a credentialed trainer for the State of Virginia and has been active in promoting and providing Social Work Licensure and Clinical Supervision training at national, regional and local levels. She has authored and provided training on standards of clinical supervision for the NASW state chapters for Iowa and New Mexico. She currently serves as an instructor for NASW-VA, presenting Licensure Exam Preparation Training and Clinical Supervision Training.