($$) Developing an Operational Assessment Tool to Maximize Revenue and Enhance Cost Recovery -Medina

Apr 14, 2015 09:30am -
Apr 14, 2015 02:30pm

Event Type: Regional Training

Speaker Information

Jeff King, President, Ballard*King & Associates
As a founding partner of Ballard*King & Associates, Jeff King has over 30 years experience in recreation facility operation and planning. Jeff has provided consulting services to more than 200 communities who have benefited from his extensive background in recreation center planning and management. Jeff’s expertise comes from a vast array of experience and projects.

Jeff’s management and project experience includes facility planning and construction, facility renovation, grand opening celebrations, economic impact studies, energy conservation systems, preventative maintenance programs, staffing, budgeting, marketing, cost accounting and programming. In addition, he has preformed park and recreation master plans as well as audits.