06-12-12 CLE: The Judicial Year in Review (And a Look Ahead)

Jun 12, 2012 06:00pm -
Jun 12, 2012 8:15pm

Event Description

Tuesday, June 12, 6:00 – 8:15 p.m.

The FCC in the Courts: A Review of the Past Year (And a Look Ahead)


The FCBA Judicial Committee will hold a CLE on Tuesday, June 12, 2012 from 6:00 – 8:15 p.m. on The FCC in the Courts: A Review of the Past Year (And a Look Ahead).  It will be held at Bingham McCutchen LLP, 2020 K Street, NW.


The Chief and Deputy Chief of the Litigation Division of the FCC’s Office of General Counsel will review the significant judicial decisions involving the FCC over the past year, and provide a look at the major cases in the pipeline for the upcoming year.





6:00 – 6:05 p.m.         Welcome and Introduction

Alexander Maltas, Latham & Watkins LLP


6:05 – 7:05 p.m.         The FCC in the Courts:  How the Agency Fared Over the Last Year

The Deputy Chief of the Litigation Division of the FCC's Office of General Counsel reviews decisions involving the FCC in the lower courts during the past year, including the Third Circuit’s Prometheus media ownership decision and the Tenth Circuit’s Sorenson decision on VRS rates.


Richard Welch, Deputy Associate General Counsel, Federal Communications Commission


7:05 – 7:15 p.m.         Break


7:15 – 8:15 p.m.         A Look Ahead:  FCC Litigation on the Horizon

The Chief of the FCC’s Litigation Division looks to the year ahead and reviews the FCC cases that the courts of appeals are likely to grapple with over the next year.  Highlights include litigation over the Open Internet, intercarrier compensation/ universal service reform, data roaming, and enhanced disclosure of broadcaster political files.


Jacob Lewis, Associate General Counsel, Federal Communications




Event Type:Educational
Category:CLE Seminar
Early registration ends on May 16, 2012.
Regular registration starts on May 17, 2012 and ends on Jun 11, 2012.
Late registration starts on Jun 12, 2012.


Registration Fees
Fee TypeEarlyRegularLate
 Government Academic Attorney
Member Fee: $50.00$50.00$50.00
Non-Member Fee: $195.00$195.00$195.00
 Government Academic Attorney (5 years or less out of school)
Member Fee: $25.00$25.00$25.00
Non-Member Fee: $195.00$195.00$195.00
 Government Academic Non Attorney
Member Fee: $50.00$50.00$50.00
Non-Member Fee: $195.00$195.00$195.00
 Government Academic Non Attorney (5 years or less out of school)
Member Fee: $25.00$25.00$25.00
Non-Member Fee: $195.00$195.00$195.00
 Guest Fee
Member Fee: $195.00$195.00$195.00
Non-Member Fee: $195.00$195.00$195.00
 Law Student
Member Fee: $25.00$25.00$25.00
Non-Member Fee: $195.00$195.00$195.00
 Paralegal/Legal Assistant
Member Fee: $125.00$125.00$125.00
Non-Member Fee: $195.00$195.00$195.00
 Private Sector Attorney
Member Fee: $125.00$125.00$125.00
Non-Member Fee: $195.00$195.00$195.00
 Private Sector Non Attorney
Member Fee: $125.00$125.00$25.00
Non-Member Fee: $195.00$195.00$195.00
Member Fee: $125.00$125.00$125.00
Non-Member Fee: $195.00$195.00$195.00
 Transitional (Unemployed) Attorney
Member Fee: $50.00$50.00$50.00
Non-Member Fee: $195.00$195.00$195.00
 Transitional (Unemployed) Non-Attorney
Member Fee: $50.00$50.00$50.00
Non-Member Fee: $195.00$195.00$195.00