Bookkeepers Conference - (3/18/2016)

Mar 18, 2016 08:30am -
Mar 18, 2016 04:00pm

Event Description

This one-day conference is designed specifically for bookkeepers and administrative office staff.  Two tracks are available, but you can pick and choose which sessions you would like to attend throughout the day.

Novice Track

How to Support Your CSBO
Is your CSBO happy with your work? Do you ever sit around wondering what else you can do to help? This session is designed to help you help your CSBO. Learn new ways to complete tasks that save time and require little effort.
The Business Office Calendar
Ever miss a deadline? Or perhaps forget to submit an ISBE report? Come learn about all of the monthly tasks every Business Office should have on their calendar.
Payroll 101 for Beginners
This session is designed for those individuals relatively new to a payroll position or who assist in the payroll process. Come learn the important parts of the payroll process, how one decision affects an entire payroll, and how to find answers to those questions you've always wondered. These experts are here to make the payroll process a breeze.
Revenues and Expenses for New Business Office Employees
This session is designed to provide a global perspective to the Business Office. Topics will include: The various funding sources for a school, how account numbers are determined, who determines what account an expense is booked against, and much, much, more.
Top Mistakes made in the Business Office
Do you feel like the same items are always confusing year after year? Wouldn’t it be nice to know what items drive your counterparts crazy? This session is designed to explore the most common pitfalls for bookkeepers and how to avoid these pitfalls.
Internal Controls and Activity Fund Accounting
Accounting for all of your student activity funds is a necessary task to ensure your district stays out of the news. Come see what internal controls you could implement to ensure your district's safety. Also learn what auditors prefer to see from your student activity records when they conduct their audit.

Intermediate Track

Ask the Auditors
Ever wonder why your auditors ask you questions about protocols for check disbursement? Or perhaps, why you have to create a new account for a grant? In this session, you will have the ability to ask our distinguished panel of auditors for answers to many different types of questions.
Payroll Topics for Seasoned Veterans
For those more seasoned payroll specialists, come find out how other districts run a payroll, how they handle ACA hours, and why they choose to run payrolls in a certain fashion.
IMRF from the Employer Perspective
We know IMRF is a pension plan. But why do employees have to join? What are the responsibilities for IMRF employers? What are the hottest topics within IMRF? Come meet an IMRF representative and learn everything you wanted to know about IMRF.
Google: How Can it Help You?
Everyone has heard of Google as a search engine. Many probably even know Google Docs, Excel or PowerPoint. But do you know all of the different ways Google can assist you with other tasks? Come hear how Google can assist you in your daily activities.
Student Fees and Fee Waivers
Are you ever curious why some schools waive fees and others don't? Or perhaps how one school can sell double stuff chocolate brownies and another can't? This session will focus on the school code's interpretation of school fees including what you can charge for, when you can reduce, and when you have to waive school fees.
TRS: What's New with Reporting?
This session is designed to update everyone on reporting requirements for TRS, including differences between Tier 1 and Tier 2 employees, what is/isn't credible earnings, and when penalties are assessed, just to name a few.

PD Clock Hours: 6.0.
Designation Points: 6

Registration & Refreshments: 8:00am - 8:30am
Program: 8:30am - 3:55pm
Lunch:  11:55am - 12:45pm

Due to changes in the Illinois State Board of Education professional development requirements, please be advised that you will be required to sign in to all professional development opportunities in which credits are offered. Each attendee will also be required to fill out an evaluation summary in order to receive credit.

If you have any special dietary needs, please contact Jennifer Corbin by Thursday, March 11 at (815)753-9365 or

Event Type:Seminars
Category:Support Professionals Events
Early registration ends on Jan 13, 2016.
Regular registration starts on Jan 14, 2016 and ends on Mar 17, 2016.
Late registration starts on Mar 18, 2016.
(GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)


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