Music, brain, and autism research is challenging many parents, therapists, and educators to “rethink” autism. Participants in this course will explore the movement and sensory differences of autism and learn innovative neurologic techniques that support more functional movement, sensory regulation, and reliable communication in individuals with severe autism.
Learning Objectives:
1) Participants will be able to site at least 3 research articles that support a neurologic treatment approach for autism spectrum disorder. II.A.3.c,d,e; II.A.4.a,h; IV.A.2,3; IV.B.5,6
2) Participants will be able to identify 2 music or rhythm-based NMT techniques which support an improved brain-body connection II.A.2.h,i,k,o,r,v,w,x,z,ab,ac, ae,ag,ar,at,av,ba,bb
3) Participants will be able to identify 5 common symptoms or difficulties related to a movement disorder and how they relate to common difficulties of individuals with severe autism spectrum disorder. I.B.3.a,b,c; I.B.4.a,b,e,f,k,l; I.B.11; I.C.1-5
4) Participants will be able to describe why assuming competence is possibly the least dangerous assumption during assessment and treatment of all clients. I.B.3.a,b,c; I.B.12; I.C.1-5; I.D.1; I.D.6.a-e; I.D.8,9,10,16; II.A.2.g,h,i,p,q,r,s,ab,af,ag,ap; II.A.3.f
45 mins Introduction / Let’s Rethink Autism
15 mins Break
45 mins Presuming Competence - the Least Dangerous Assumption
60 mins Evidence-based Research Reviews / Case Studies
15 mins Break
60 mins Body Mapping & Cross-Midline Drumming - Using Rhythm to Create a Brain-Body Connection
15 mins Break
60 mins Clinical Strategies to Support Functional Movement, Regulation, and Communication in Autism
15 mins Q&A
15 mins Evaluation
5 contact hours * 60/50= 6 (6 CMTE credits)