Thank you for your interest in getting certified by the National Board for Home Care and Hospice Certification (NBHHC). Below you will find two forms. The form you need will depend on whether you currently hold an NBHHC credential or in the process of obtaining one.
If you are interested in becoming a certified manager, administrator or executive, please download this form.

If you currently hold one of NBHHC’s credentials and your renewal date is approaching, please use this certification renewal application form. After one (1) year from certification expiration, the certification is ineligible for renewal. To obtain a new certification the candidate must follow the initial certification process. (See page 5 of Candidate Handbook for eligibility requirements and applying for examination.)

If you do not have Adobe Acrobat, click here to download it.
- Read the "Certification Candidate Handbook" cover to cover
- Read and agree to abide by the policies and procedures as outlined in the "Candidate Handbook"
- Filled out the application in its entirety (application must be type or legible)
- Signed your application
- Made a photocopy of the completed application for your own records (documents submitted will not be returned)
- Enclosed the application fee
- Enclosed a copy of your college, university or school transcript or diploma