Loan Information & Application

Any osteopathic student, after completion of six months of Osteopathic training in any of the Legally accredited schools of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery, may apply for a loan. Applicant must be a student member of the Washington Osteopathic Medical Association.
Applicant must be of legal age or have a co-signer of legal age to execute a promissory note. The Washington Osteopathic Foundation reserves the right to select loan recipients on the basis of Washington residency or any other criteria within its sole discretion.
The grant of any loan is conditional upon faithful attendance at classes and performance of duties as a student and upon maintenance of passing marks and honorable conduct without discredit to the school, the profession of osteopathic medicine and surgery, or the Foundation.
Application deadlines are February 15, May 15, August 15 and November 15.
Applications for loans will be made on the official form provided by the Foundation office and must be completed.
Applications must include:
1. A letter of recommendation from an instructor in the osteopathic medical college attended.
2. A letter of recommendation from a physician member of the Washington Osteopathic Medical Association practicing in Washington State.
3. The most recent transcript of grades from the osteopathic medical school attended. (Unofficial transcript is acceptable)
Each student receiving a loan shall begin to repay the loan one year after finishing postgraduate training**, Duration of loan repayment period shall not exceed 10 years.
Each student receiving a loan or loans must practice for three (3) years in the state of Washington***Commencing within thirty (30) days of completion of postgraduate training. Until such time as the loan is repaid, he/she shall maintain membership in the Washington Osteopathic Medical Association.
The interest on student loans shall be 3% per annum computed from the date of graduation from college. If the student leaves school. the loan plus 3% interest must be repaid within one (1) year. If he/she fails to practice in the state of Washington or violates any of the loan requirements, the loan(s) become(s) immediately subject to repayment plus interest of 6% per annum on the unpaid balance of principal and interest computed from date loan was granted.
* The loan amount will be determined by the Foundation Board of Directors.
** An approved postgraduate program which is served during obligatory military or public health service is considered on the same basis as all postgraduate programs in computing commencement of loan repayment.
*** The Foundation may waive the requirement for practice within the State of Washington during obligatory military or public health service assignment out of the State of Washington when such service is not also part of an approved postgraduate training program.
Loan Application