About Us
Scholarship Information & Applications

Washington Osteopathic Foundation, Inc.


Warren Lawless Scholarship
E. Warren Lawless, former Executive Director of the Washington Osteopathic Medical Association and Chairman of the Board of Western University of Health Sciences, is a strong believer in community service. He has spent over forty years working for the osteopathic profession in various capacities.
This scholarship was named in recognition of Mr. Lawless' many years of service to the osteopathic profession and other community projects. Community service weighs heavy in the selection process.

Eugene Imamura, DO Scholarship
Eugene Imamura, DO retired from his Family Practice of 48 years in 2002. In recognition of assistance he received for his medical school education he provided the start-up funds for a scholarship based on need.

Any osteopathic student, after completion of one year of training in any of the legally accredited schools of osteopathic medicine and surgery, may apply for a scholarship. Applicant must be a student member of the Washington Osteopathic Medical Association.
The Washington Osteopathic Foundation reserves the right to select scholarship recipients on the basis of Washington residency or any other criteria within its sole discretion.
The granting of any scholarship is conditional upon faithful attendance at classes, performance of duties as a student and maintenance of passing marks and honorable conduct without discredit to the school, the profession of Osteopathic medicine and surgery, or the Foundation.

Applications for scholarships will be made on the official form provided by the Foundation office or website and must be fully completed.
Applications must include:
1. A letter of recommendation from an instructor in the osteopathic medical college attended.
2. A letter of recommendation from a physician member of the Washington Osteopathic Medical Association practicing in Washington State.
3. The most recent transcript of grades from the osteopathic medicak school attended.(Unofficial transcript is acceptable.)
4. A letter from the financial aid officer of your school explaining your need for financial assistance.
5. A description of applicant's community service.
6. A reference letter from the organization(s) served by the applicant.

The application deadline for scholarships is February 15.

WOF Scholarship Application


CME Scholarships

The Washington Osteopathic Foundation has a limited number of registration scholarships available for osteopathic interns and residents on a first-come, first-served basis, for WOMA CME programs. If you would like to apply, please contact Jodi Perlmutter by phone (425) 677-3930 or email jperlmutter@woma.org to determine availability. When availability is determined, complete the CME registration and scholarship application and submit both to WOMA as soon as possible. The scholarship pays tuition only, not lodging or travel. 

CME Scholarship Application





The purpose of the Washington Osteopathic Foundation is to operate exclusively for charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes, within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "code"), or any successor provision, by conducting or supporting activities exclusively for the benefit of, or to carry out the purposes of , the Washington Osteopathic Medical Association ("WOMA"), including support of osteopathic education, promoting osteopathic research, and improving osteopathic healthcare, hospitals and related institutions. WOMAis a Washington nonprofit corporation that is exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(6) of the Code, and would be described in Section 509 (a)(2) of the Code if it were an organization described in Section 501 (c)(3)of the Code.


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