Welcome to the Far Western Region's Online Registration Site.
The only place to register for Undergraduate Round-ups, Founders Day, Cluster and Regional Conferences.
Please provide the following information below to login:
- Your e-mail address (login): Your e-mail address must match the e-mail address on file in AKA's Corporate Office database to successfully login.
- Financial card number (password): Please attempt to use your financial card number as is with no leading zeroes.
- If you are a member of the Far Western Region and cannot successfully login, please contact your chapter's Technology Chair or President for more assistance.
- Your e-mail address must match the e-mail address on file in AKA's Corporate Office database to successfully login. If you have changed your login and password on the Corporate database, please use that information to login. Please ensure that you can login to the Members Only side of the corporate office database by accessing the AKA International website at www.aka1908.com to verify or change the email address you have on file. Select the "member login" option and then check your profile information to verify that the email address you have on file and your membership status are both current and valid. In your profile, if your membership status is incorrect, send an email detailing the problem with your contact information and correct email address to members@aka1908.com or complete the "Member Assistance Form".
- Only financially active members are allowed to register online.
- If you are not financially active and would like to reactivate, click http://aka1908.com/membership/reactivation to get information on reactivating your membership.
If you are planning to attend a conference in another region, please submit a request to be temporarily added to that region’s Member Database using the Member Assistance Form. Once you access the form, please follow directions below:
- From Dropdown Box, CONTACT CATEGORY: Select Event Registration Concerns
- From Dropdown Box, EVENT TYPE: Select Regional Events (Roundup, Cluster, Regional Conferences)
- From Dropdown Box, EVENT REGION: Select Region (that is hosting the event you wish to attend)
- Click on the FINISH button to submit your request.
- Please allow at least 2 business days for the database change to occur.
To register for the event, access the region’s website- Events-Registration Website and Register yourself.
You must be financial for current year and in good standing.
You should have your Financial number ready; your email address must be the same used to access Members Only https://akawebnet.aka1908.net/eweb/
If you have questions or concerns please contact: FWRTech@AKA1908.com. The Member Assistance form is located here:https://akawebnet.aka1908.net/akaemailform/contactus.asp