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Computer Based Testing

Exams are only open to candidates who have been deemed eligible. Registering for the exam is a two-step process:

1)  Candidates must turn in a completed application form with application fee to NBHHC. (For detailed information regarding this step - please see “Application Policies and Procedures” section).


2)  Upon receiving notification of status, candidates should take the following next steps:


a. If candidate is deemed eligible, candidate will receive an approval confirmation letter via email. The approval confirmation letter will contain an examination registration form and an approval code. Please use this approval code to fill out your exam registration form and send to NBHHC along with the appropriate exam fee.  After submission of exam registration form, candidate will receive an exam registration confirmation letter via email, which will provide instructions on how to register for the computer based testing. Candidate will have the option of choosing a conveniently centered testing location on a date and time within the testing window period (based on testing location availability).

b. If candidate is deemed ineligible, candidate will need to resubmit another application form when they have met the

necessary requirements.


The National Board for Home Care and Hospice Certification contracts with Professional Testing to coordinate computer based testing through Pearson VUE, the global leader in technology-enable testing and assessment services to administer and deliver the examinations. When Pearson VUE receives an inquiry from NBHHC with its list of eligible candidates for examinations, Pearson VUE will register and schedule the Candidate to take the examination.


Registering and Late Registration

Registering with Pearson VUE is detailed in the following activities for all candidates to follow:

  • Pearson VUE’s website: www.pearsonvue.com is available twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week, or toll-free - call in number which accesses Pearson VUE’s customer service center. Telephone access to Pearson VUE’s customer service center is available within the United States and Canada between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (Central Time), Monday through Friday.
  • Pearson VUE provides information to test candidates regarding examination availability, examination dates and times, and Testing Center locations for NBHHC’s certification examinations.
  • Pearson VUE provides examination appointments on a first-come, first-serve basis. Pearson can only answer questions about the examination process and examination administration at its testing center locations. Under no circumstances shall Pearson VUE discuss the eligibility status of candidates. NBHHC is solely responsible for eligibility.
  • Any questions regarding eligibility requirements of candidates is the sole responsibility of NBHHC and NBHHC only.
  • An examination appointment confirmation letter will be sent to candidate via e-mail by Pearson VUE (Correspondence sent by Pearson VUE to candidate confirms the time, date, and location of test administration appointment).  The confirmation includes directions to test center and contact information.


Late Registration/No-Show

Candidates who change or cancel an appointment less than one (1) business day prior to the existing exam appointment or do not show up at the test center for their exam will forfeit 100% of the test administration fee.



Pearson VUE will process candidates for testing by:

  • Verifying each test candidate’s identity from two (2) valid forms of identification. One form of identification will be a valid photo identification card and the other form will be an identification card displaying the candidate’s signature.
  • Pearson Professional Centers (PPC) will utilize digital photograph, electronic signature and palm vein capture for identity verification and security within the test center.


Examination Day

You will take your examination using Computer Based Testing (CBT) technology.  Pearson VUE will administer the examination and candidates should follow the testing center procedures and process when taking the exams.


Exam Cancellation Policy

Candidates who change or cancel an appointment less than one (1) business day prior to the existing exam appointment or do not show up at the test center for their exam will forfeit 100% of the test administration fee.


Rescheduling an Exam

Candidates may cancel or reschedule with no penalty up to one (1) business day in advance of the existing appointment.  Candidates who change or cancel an appointment less than one business day prior to the existing exam appointment or do not show up at the test center for their exam will forfeit 100% of the test administration fee.


Test Centers and Dates

Pearson VUE will provide and maintain at least two hundred (200) PPC’s (Pearson Professional Center, testing centers operated by or on behalf of Pearson VUE) throughout the United States.  Pearson VUE testing dates are given to eligible candidates via e-mail.



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