Water Landing Directory App


One of the great benefits to all members of the Seaplane Pilots Association is access to the Water Landing Directory App and web database. This great new tool for seaplane pilots not only provides a wealth of data, it also is social based in that is allows members to suggest new bodies of water that are not listed and suggest modifications to existing entries, it also allows users to leave comments on the various facilities and even rate them.





  • This amazing resource allows pilots to search for bodies of water by state, near me, open, open with restrictions or closed waterways and by name.
  • Seaplane bases can also be search using near me, state, name or by their identifier. 
  • Seaplane fuel availability is another function of the WLD app, and again fuel can be searched by state, near me and fuel type ie. auto, 100LL or Jet A.
  • Members can even look up seaplane training and rental availability by state, type of aircraft and type of training one desires.


Coming Soon to the App:

  • New features that will allow members to search for events by a range of dates, within one week, two week, one month, and 90 day periods by state.


SPA Members have access to this "Free" Member benefit, and can download the app at the Apple iTunes store for apple mobile devices or Google play store for andriod users.


Just search for Water Landing Directory and download it, your email is your username and your password is your 6 digit SPA member number. If your member number is less than six digits then just add the correct number of zeros in fromt of your member number to create a six digit member number.

Members can also access the online version of the app by going to http://www.seaplanemembers.com and can login in using the same process as above.   






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